விரிவாக தெரிந்து கொள்ள வீடியோ வை கிளிக் செய்யவும்

Friday 17 July 2020

ரத்த கொழுப்பு (Blood Cholesterol) -LDL-DL-Triglicerides - Lipid Profile test

Blood Cholesterol - LDL- HDL - Triglicerides - Lipid Profile(Easy and Quick reference)

Your body needs fat to function Properly. It makes up almost all of the fat you need in your liver.

The cells in your body need fat as part of their cell membrane.Your skin uses sunlight and fat to make vitamin D.In humans, certain glands, such as sperm and adrenal glands, use fat to make important chemicals called hormones.Your liver uses fat to make bile acids, which help digest the fat in the food you eat. Your body uses triglycerides for energy.Not by your lipids from your liver Go into your bloodstream without some adjustment. Your liver wraps some proteins around lipids to activate their movement. The result is lipoprotein The so-called new molecule moves to the cells needed in your bloodstream and throughout your body.


Your liver produces high density protein or HDL also known as good cholesterol .

HDL is high It also contains protein and very little fat and triglycerides compared to LDL. HDL in your cells and in your blood vessels Helps to remove excess fat from plaque. This is why HDL is called good cholesterol. HDL Excess Fat YourGives it to the liver, removes it from your body.


your liver produces low-density lipoproteins or vldls.

It is caused by bad cholesterol or LDL. These lipoproteins are replenished with fat and triglycerides. VLDL Triglycerides in your bloodstreamProvides for your cells They use it for energy. Your liver has more VLDL than youPhysical Energy Requirements VLDL stores extra triglycerides as body fat.

Is lipoprotein or LDL. LDL travels in your bloodstreamSupplying fat to the required cells. If your body makes too much LDL it can build up in your blood. LDL in the walls of your blood vessels

Can be deposited. Over time this build up will narrow the blood vessel and reduce blood flow.

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