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Thursday, 21 December 2017

Menorrhagia - Heavy Menstrual Bleeding - Symptoms,Causes,Treatment


Menorrhagia is the medical term for menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding.Although heavy menstrual bleeding is a common concern, most women don't experience

blood loss severe enough to be defined as menorrhagia.

Signs and symptoms of menorrhagia may include:

  1. Bleeding between periods or irregular vaginal bleeding
  2. Bleeding for longer than a week
  3. Passing blood clots larger than a quarter
  4. Symptoms of anemia, such as tiredness, fatigue or shortness of breath


  1. Hormone imbalance.
  2. Dysfunction of the ovaries
  3. Uterine fibroids.
  4. vaginal bleeding after menopause


Endometrial ablation.

This procedure involves destroying (ablating) the lining

of your uterus (endometrium).The procedure uses a laser,

radiofrequency or heat applied to the endometrium to destroy the tissue.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Painful Menstruation - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis

Painful Periods - Dysmenorrhea

What Causes Them

Primary dysmenorrhea

Abdominal pain during the menstrual cycle can have more than one cause. In a normal menstrual cycle a chemical prostiglandin is released in higher levels. This causes contractions of the smooth muscle of the uterine wall and assists in the sloughing to the lining which then becomes the menstrual flow.The prostiglandins can also affect smooth muscle in other parts of the body,including the intestines. The contractions of the intestines are sometimes felt as painful.

Secondary dysmenorrhea

Secondary dysmenorrhea is the term your doctor may use if you have a problem in your reproductive organs that causes your cramps.

Several conditions can cause it:

Endometriosis-is a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus (the endometrium) is found outside of the uterus.

Adenomyosis - Adenomyosis is similar to endometriosis, except instead of the endometrium

implanting itself outside of the uterus, it is found embedded deep within the uterine muscle.

copper IUD - A copper IUD, as opposed to a progestin IUD, can make menses heavier and more painful,

particularly in the first few cycles after insertion.

if you have had your copper IUD for years and suddenly develop pain,

look for another reason. Your IUD is unlikely to be the culprit.

fibroids - The inner wall of the uterus may have fibroids (growths).

Ovarian and uterine (endometrial) cancers - Cancer of the ovary or uterus can cause abdominal cramps.

Your risk for these cancers increases in your 50s and beyond.

Any worrisome symptoms warrant a visit to your doctor just to make sure they’re not due to something serious.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Pimples or Acne - Reasons and How to Prevent

How pimples form

During puberty, hormone production changes. This can cause the sebaceous glands, 

located at the base of hair follicles, to become overactive. As a result,

pimples are most likely to occur during the teenage years and around menstruation, for women.

Pimples most often affect the face, back, chest, and shoulders.This is because there are many sebaceous glands in these areas of skin.

Why do pimples happen?

Pimples happen when pores become clogged with sebum and dead skin.

Sometimes this leads to infection and inflammation. 

Bacterial infection

The slow-growing "Propionibacterium acnes" feeds off the sebum and produces a substance that causes an immune response. This leads to skin inflammation and spots.

Although pimples are related to bacterial infection, they are not contagious. 

What should I do if I have a pimple?

Don’t pop the pimple. This will allow more bacteria,dirt, and oil into the pore, which may end up making the pimple worse.

How to Prevent

  1. Gentle washing may help prevent infection, but scrubbing can make pimples worse.
  2. drink plenty of water
  3. Caring for your skin is a much better way to prevent and treat acne.
  4. If acne and pimples start to affect a person's quality of life and self esteem,  a doctor or dermatologist can often help.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Vaginal White Discharge -Reasons, Symptoms, How to prevent

Vaginal white discharge

         Vaginal discharge is most often a normal and regular occurrence. However, there are certain types of discharge that can indicate an infection. Abnormal discharge may be yellow or green, chunky in consistency, or have a foul odor. Abnormal discharge is usually caused by yeast or bacterial infection. If you notice any discharge that looks unusual or is foul smelling, you should see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


  1. pain, burning, or other discomfort in and around the vagina
  2. rash or sores with or without discharge
  3. cottage cheese or frothy textured discharge
  4. strong or foul vaginal odor
  5. redness
  6. swelling

How to prevent

To prevent infections,

  1. do regular exercises
  2. drink plenty of water
  3.  you should practice good hygiene 
  4.  wear breathable cotton underwear.
  5.  Don’t use douches because they can make discharge worse by removing useful bacteria.
  6.  You should also practice safe sex 
  7.  use protection to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

Friday, 8 December 2017

How to reduce belly fat


          Overweight does not necessarily equal unhealthy.It's the fat in the abdominal cavity, the belly fat, that causes the biggest issues.Here are some ways to lose belly fat.If you thought that only dieting will burn your belly fat, you are wrong. 

         If you really want to lose weight, you need to include an hour of exercise in your daily routine for targeting and reducing belly fat. Exercise can be very effective if you are trying to lose belly fat. Exercise also has a number of other health benefits.

Types of exercises are:

Cardiovascular exercises

Strength training exercises

Flexibility Training exercises


       Eating more protein is a great long-term strategy to reduce belly fat

       Cut carbs from your diet

       Eat foods rich in fiber, especially viscous fiber

       Track your foods and figure out exactly what and how much you are eating

       Avoid junk foods

       Drink 8 to 9 glasses of water

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Why Backpain occurs ?

Female lower back pain

Female lower back pain can be caused by many different things and vary greatly based on location. 

 In general, almost everyone will experience some form of back pain or back problems during their lifetime.

The cause of lower back pain

A bacterial infection, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), can cause lower stomach pain, 

abdominal pain and back pain in women, along with fatigue, fever, 

vomiting/diarrhea, unusual vaginal discharge or pain during sex.

uterine fibroids also cause back pains as they affect the neurological tissues in the area.

An ectopic pregnancy can cause lower back pain and lower abdominal pain. 

Friday, 1 December 2017

Urinary Tract Infection - Reasons, Symptoms, Treatment

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection involving the kidneys,ureters, bladder, or urethra.These are the structures that urine passes through before being eliminated from the body.Women may be especially prone to UTIs because they have shorter urethras, which allow bacteria quick access to the bladder.


  • Postmenopausal women:

                Decreased circulating estrogen makes the urinary tract more vulnerable to a UTI

  • If a woman is pregnant, her urine should be checked during prenatal 

         visits because an unrecognized infection can cause pregnancy health complications.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Symptoms and Signs

  • A burning feeling when you urinate
  • A frequent or intense urge to urinate, even though little comes out when you do
  • Cloudy, dark, bloody, or strange-smelling urine
  • Feeling tired or shaky
  • Fever or chills


      If you suspect you have a urinary tract infection, head to the doctor. You'll be asked to give a urine sample, which will be tested for the presence of UTI-causing bacteria.

       Antibiotics to kill the intruders. As always, be sure to finish off the prescribed cycle of medicine completely,even after you start to feel better.

And drink lots of water to help flush the bacteria from your system.

முறிந்த எலும்புகள் எப்படி தன்னைத்தானே சரிபடுத்திக் கொள்கிறது? How does a bone heal?

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