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Monday 18 December 2017

Painful Menstruation - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis

Painful Periods - Dysmenorrhea

What Causes Them

Primary dysmenorrhea

Abdominal pain during the menstrual cycle can have more than one cause. In a normal menstrual cycle a chemical prostiglandin is released in higher levels. This causes contractions of the smooth muscle of the uterine wall and assists in the sloughing to the lining which then becomes the menstrual flow.The prostiglandins can also affect smooth muscle in other parts of the body,including the intestines. The contractions of the intestines are sometimes felt as painful.

Secondary dysmenorrhea

Secondary dysmenorrhea is the term your doctor may use if you have a problem in your reproductive organs that causes your cramps.

Several conditions can cause it:

Endometriosis-is a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus (the endometrium) is found outside of the uterus.

Adenomyosis - Adenomyosis is similar to endometriosis, except instead of the endometrium

implanting itself outside of the uterus, it is found embedded deep within the uterine muscle.

copper IUD - A copper IUD, as opposed to a progestin IUD, can make menses heavier and more painful,

particularly in the first few cycles after insertion.

if you have had your copper IUD for years and suddenly develop pain,

look for another reason. Your IUD is unlikely to be the culprit.

fibroids - The inner wall of the uterus may have fibroids (growths).

Ovarian and uterine (endometrial) cancers - Cancer of the ovary or uterus can cause abdominal cramps.

Your risk for these cancers increases in your 50s and beyond.

Any worrisome symptoms warrant a visit to your doctor just to make sure they’re not due to something serious.

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