விரிவாக தெரிந்து கொள்ள வீடியோ வை கிளிக் செய்யவும்

Thursday 21 December 2017

Menorrhagia - Heavy Menstrual Bleeding - Symptoms,Causes,Treatment


Menorrhagia is the medical term for menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding.Although heavy menstrual bleeding is a common concern, most women don't experience

blood loss severe enough to be defined as menorrhagia.

Signs and symptoms of menorrhagia may include:

  1. Bleeding between periods or irregular vaginal bleeding
  2. Bleeding for longer than a week
  3. Passing blood clots larger than a quarter
  4. Symptoms of anemia, such as tiredness, fatigue or shortness of breath


  1. Hormone imbalance.
  2. Dysfunction of the ovaries
  3. Uterine fibroids.
  4. vaginal bleeding after menopause


Endometrial ablation.

This procedure involves destroying (ablating) the lining

of your uterus (endometrium).The procedure uses a laser,

radiofrequency or heat applied to the endometrium to destroy the tissue.

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