விரிவாக தெரிந்து கொள்ள வீடியோ வை கிளிக் செய்யவும்

Thursday 18 January 2018

How to control diabetes in Tamil #diabetes#diabetescure

How to control blood sugar

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercise increases insulin sensitivity and helps your muscles pick up

sugars from the blood. This can lead to reduced blood sugar levels.

2. Implement Portion Control

The more control you have over your serving sizes the better control

you will have over your blood sugar levels.

3. Control Stress Levels

Controlling stress levels through exercise or relaxation methods

such as yoga will help you control blood sugars.

4. Lose Some Weight

Keeping a healthy weight and waistline will help you maintain normal blood sugar levels

and decrease your risk of developing diabetes.

5. Follow a Balanced Diet with Complex Carbs

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean protein and good sources of fat.

Foods to avoid are those rich in trans fats (also called hydrogenated fat),

processed food, and sugar.

6. Give Up Smoking

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