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Friday 19 January 2018

Low blood sugar -- Reasons, Symptoms, how to prevent?

Hypoglycemia or Low blood sugar

Hypoglycemia occurs when blood glucose levels fall below 60mg/dL.Whilst many of us think of diabetes as being a problem of high blood sugar levels, the medication some people with diabetes

take medication that can also cause their sugar levels to go too low and this can become dangerous.

What are the causes of hypoglycemia?

Whilst medication is the main factor involved in hypoglycemia within people with diabetes,

 a number of other factors can increase the risk of hypos occurring.

Factors linked to a greater risk of hypos include:

Too high a dose of medication (insulin or hypo causing tablets)

Delayed meals


What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia?



Feeling dizzy

Being pale

Feeling weak

Feeling hungry

A higher heart rate than usual

Blurred vision


Loss of consciousness

And in extreme cases, coma

How do I treat hypoglycemia?

A mild case of hypoglycemia can be treated through eating or drinking 15-20g of fast acting carbohydrate such as glucose tablets,

sweets, sugary fizzy drinks or fruit juice.

Severe hypos can be treated with glucagon if a glucagon injection kit is available and in date.

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