விரிவாக தெரிந்து கொள்ள வீடியோ வை கிளிக் செய்யவும்

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

முறிந்த எலும்புகள் எப்படி தன்னைத்தானே சரிபடுத்திக் கொள்கிறது? How does a bone heal?

How does a bone heal?

The immediate response to a fracture is bleeding from the blood vessels dotted throughout our bones.New bone starts to form mostly at the edges of the fracture.To fill the void space between the broken ends, cells produce soft cartilage. Then, special cells called osteoblasts create a hard bony callus using collagen and minerals like calcium and phosphorus. Thus forming our new bone. However, this new bone is irregular in shape. Hence, cells called osteoclasts start remodeling the bone. Resulting in the formation of bone similar to the original shape.Cartilage, or soft callus, formation peaks around 8 days after injury.

Friday, 4 December 2020

ரத்தப் பரிசோதனை- நோய்களை கணிக்க ரத்தப் பரிசோதனை ஏன் செய்யப்படுகிறது? Complete blood count test

A complete blood count (CBC) - How to?

A complete blood count (CBC) gives important information about the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood, especially red blood cells , white blood cells , and platelets . 
A CBC helps to diagnose conditions, such as anemia , infection, and many other disorders.

A CBC test usually includes:

Red blood cell (RBC) count

Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. They also carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs so it can be exhaled. If the RBC count is low (anemia), the body may not be getting the oxygen it needs. If the count is too high (a condition called polycythemia), 
there is a chance that the red blood cells will clump together and block tiny blood vessels (capillaries). 
This also makes it hard for your red blood cells to carry oxygen.


This test measures the amount of space (volume) red blood cells take up in the blood. The value is given as a percentage of red blood cells in a volume of blood. For example, a hematocrit of 38 means that 38% of the blood's volume is made of red blood cells. Hematocrit and hemoglobin values are the two major tests that show if anemia or polycythemia is present.

Hemoglobin (Hgb)

The hemoglobin molecule fills up the red blood cells. It carries oxygen and gives the blood cell its red color. The hemoglobin test measures the amount of hemoglobin in blood and is a good measure of the blood's ability to carry oxygen throughout the body.

White blood cell count

White blood cells protect the body against infection. If an infection develops, white blood cells attack and destroy the bacteria, virus, or other organism causing it. White blood cells are bigger than red blood cells but fewer in number. When a person has a bacterial infection, the number of white cells rises very quickly. The number of white blood cells is sometimes used to find an infection or to see how the body 
is dealing with cancer treatment.

White blood cell types  

The major types of white blood cells are neutrophils , lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Immature neutrophils, called band neutrophils, are also part of this test. Each type of cell plays a different role in protecting the body. The numbers of each one of these types of white blood cells give important information about the immune system . Too many or too few of the 
different types of white blood cells can help find an infection, an allergic or toxic reaction to medicines or chemicals, and many conditions,such as leukemia .

Platelet (thrombocyte) count

Platelets (thrombocytes) are the smallest type of blood cell. They are important in blood clotting. When bleeding occurs, the platelets swell, clump together, and form a sticky plug that helps stop the bleeding. If there are too few platelets, uncontrolled bleeding may be a problem. If there are too many platelets, there is a chance of a blood clot forming in a blood vessel. Also, platelets may be involved in hardening of the arteries .

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

நமக்கு பசி உணர்வும், சாப்பிட்டதும் வயிறு நிறைந்த உணர்வும் எப்படி ஏற்படுகிறது? Appetite signals in tamil

How do we know our hunger and our stomach is full? 

our stomach and brain are constantly communicating with each other. With the help of hormones and nerves. The stomach produces a hormone called ghrelin. Ghrelin generally travels to the brain through blood and informs the brain that we need to eat and thus, we feel hungry. Now, when we eat food to satisfy our hunger, the food enters our stomach, causing its walls to stretch and expand.
When this happens. The nerves on the stomach walls detect the expansion and tell the brain that our stomach is full and our hunger is satisfied. 

When we begin to eat. Nutrients in food stimulate the release of cholecystokinin which eventually enters the bloodstream. It is the presence of this cholecystokinin in the blood. Which informs the brain that we are eating food and not just drinking water. Now, as we eat more food, more cholecystokinin is released. Informing our brain that our stomach is getting full with food. 

Friday, 27 November 2020

எண்டோஸ்கோப்பி கருவி - Endoscopy Types and Procedures #health #endoscopy

Endoscopy Types and Procedures

Endoscopy is a procedure that allows a doctor to view the inside of a person's body.
During an endoscopy, the doctor inserts a tool called an endoscope into a person’s body. 
Most endoscopes are thin tubes with a powerful light and tiny camera at the end.

Types of endoscopy

Arthroscopy - Joints
Bronchoscopy -Trachea, or windpipe, and the lungs
Colonoscopy -Entire length of the colon and large intestine
Cystoscopy -Inside of the bladder
Laparoscopy -Stomach, liver, or other abdominal organs, including female reproductive organs, 
including the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes
Laryngoscopy -Larynx, or voice box
Proctoscopy -Rectum and sigmoid colon, which is the bottom part of the colon
Gastroscopy -Stomach and duodenum, which is the beginning of the small intestine

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

தடுப்பூசிகள் தேவை - ஏன்? Why do we need vaccines in tamil #vaccine #health

Why do we need vaccines

Vaccination is a safe and effective way to prevent disease and save lives – now more than ever. Vaccination is a simple, safe, and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases, before they come into contact with them. It uses your body’s natural defenses to build resistance to specific infections and makes your immune system stronger.Vaccines train your immune system to create antibodies, just as it does when it’s exposed to a disease. However, because vaccines contain only killed or weakened forms of germs like viruses or bacteria, they do not cause the disease or put you at risk of its complications.Most vaccines are given by an injection, but some are given orally. 

Vaccines reduce risks of getting a disease by working with your body’s natural defenses to build protection. When you get a vaccine, 
your immune system responds. It:
Recognizes the invading germ, such as the virus or bacteria.
\Produces antibodies. 
Antibodies are proteins produced naturally by the immune system to fight disease.
Remembers the disease and how to fight it. If you are then exposed to the germ in the future, 
your immune system can quickly destroy it before you become unwell.

Saturday, 21 November 2020

மெனோபாஸ் -காரணங்கள் - Menopause Reasons


Menopause is the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles.Women are born with all of their eggs, which are stored in their ovaries. Their ovaries also make the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which control their period (menstruation) and the release of eggs (ovulation). Menopause happens when the ovaries no longer release an egg every month and menstruation stops.Menopause is a regular part of aging when it happens after the age of 40.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

நமக்கு காய்ச்சல் ஏன் ஏற்படுகிறது? What causes a fever

What causes a fever ?

     A fever is not a disease. It is usually a sign that your body is trying to fight an illness or infection.
Infections cause most fevers. You get a fever because your body is trying to kill the virus or bacteria that caused the infection.
    The hypothalamus, which sits at the base of the brain, acts as the body's thermostat. It is triggered by floating biochemical substances called pyrogens, which flow from sites where the immune system has identified potential trouble to the hypothalamus via the bloodstream. 
One purpose of a fever is thought to be to raise the body's temperature high enough to kill off certain bacteria and viruses sensitive 
to temperature changes. 

Friday, 13 November 2020

நிமோனியா,நீமோகாக்கல் தடுப்பூசி-Pneumonia and Pneumococcal Vaccine tamil ...

Pneumonia Causes,Symptoms and Pneumococcal Vaccine

Pneumonia is an infection that affects one or both lungs. It causes the air sacs, or alveoli, 
of the lungs to fill up with fluid or pus. Bacteria, viruses, or fungi may cause pneumonia.

Pneumonia Causes

Most of the time your body filters germs out of the air that you breathe. Sometimes germs, such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi, get into your lungs and cause infections.

When these germs get into your lungs, your immune system, which is your body's natural defense against germs, goes into action. 
Immune cells attack the germs and may cause inflammation of your air sacs, or alveoli. 
Inflammation can cause your air sacs to fill up with fluid and pus and cause the symptoms of pneumonia.

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms of pneumonia may include:
Chest pain when you breathe or cough
Cough with or without mucus
Shortness of breath
Pneumococcal Vaccination
Pneumococcal disease is common in young children, but older adults are at greatest risk of serious illness and death. 
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine or PCV10
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine or PCV13
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine or PPSV23

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

நல்ல கொலஸ்டிரால் அளவை எப்படி அதிகரிக்கலாம்?How to increase our good cholesterol

How to increase our good cholestrol?

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the good kind of cholesterol and the kind you want. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the bad kind of cholesterol and the kind you want to keep in check. 
HDL, LDL, and triglycerides — a type of fat carried in the blood — make up total cholesterol levels.

Daily exercise is one of the best natural ways to boost your HDL
Avoid reused oils,smoking,Junk foods, meat can lower your LDL level
control your blood pressure levels
High-fiber foods
High-fiber foods can lower your LDL level, and raise your HDL level.

Whole grains
Whole grains may lower your LDL and total cholesterol.

Fatty fish
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, can lower your LDL.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

மழைக்காலத் தொற்றுநோய்கள் - Most Common Monsoon Diseases in tamil

Most Common Monsoon Diseases in tamil

Influenza :
The common cold is very common during monsoon. It is highly contagious as the virus spreads through the air.
Typhoid :
It is a waterborne bacterial infection caused by salmonella bacteria. It is caused due to consumption of contaminated food and water. 
Hepatitis A :
It is a highly contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. The infection spread by eating fruits, vegetables, and other food that is contaminated. 
Dengue :
It is caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes known as the tiger mosquito, which has black and white stripes on their body. 
Malaria :
It is caused by a particular species of mosquito breeding in the dirty water. This disease is spread by the female Anopheles mosquito.
Viral fever :
Sudden weather change can cause viral fevers. This is highly contagious and it can spread through air and physical contact.

During the rainy season, there is a lot of chances that the water gets stagnant in all the possible places and it provides a place for mosquitoes to breed and spread the disease. 

Saturday, 31 October 2020

வெள்ளெழுத்து -காரணங்கள், அறிகுறிகள் - Presbyopia Causes, Symptoms

Presbyopia - Causes, Symptoms 
Presbyopia is the normal loss of near focusing ability that 
occurs with age. Most people begin to notice the effects of 
presbyopia sometime after age 40, when they start 
having trouble seeing small print clearly — including text messages on their phone.

Presbyopia - Causes
Presbyopia is an age-related process. It is a gradual thickening 
and loss of flexibility of the natural lens inside your eye.

These age-related changes occur within the proteins in the lens, 
making the lens harder and less elastic over time. Age-related 
changes also take place in the muscle fibers surrounding the lens. 
With less elasticity, it gets difficult for the eyes to focus on 
close objects.

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

உணவில் அதிக உப்பு பயன்படுத்தினால் அது ஆபத்தானதா? Is too much salt bad fo...

Is too much salt bad for us?
Salt, also known as sodium chloride, is about 40% sodium and 
60% chloride. It flavors food and is used as a binder and 
stabilizer. It is also a food preservative, as bacteria can’t 
thrive in the presence of a high amount of salt. The human body 
requires a small amount of sodium to conduct nerve impulses, 
contract and relax muscles, and maintain the proper balance of 
water and minerals. 
But too much sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, 
heart disease, and stroke. 
The kidneys have trouble keeping up with excess sodium in the 
blood. As sodium accumulates, the body holds onto water to dilute 
the sodium. This increases both the amount of fluid surrounding 
cells and the volume of blood in the bloodstream. 
Increased blood volume means more work for the heart and 
more pressure on blood vessels. Over time, the extra work 
and pressure can stiffen blood vessels, leading to 
high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. 
It can also lead to heart failure.

Friday, 23 October 2020

Hypothyroidism - ஹைபோதைராய்டிசம் - பெண்களிடம் அதிகரித்து வரும் ஹைபோதைராய்டிசம்

Hypothyroidism - Causes,Symptoms,How to Prevent 
The thyroid gland is found in the front of the neck below the larynx, or voice box, and has two lobes, 
one on each side of the windpipe.
Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder resulting from deficiency of thyroid hormone.
It is an endocrine gland, made up of special cells that make hormones. 
Hormones are chemical messengers that relay information to the organs and tissues of the body, 
controlling processes such as metabolism, growth, and mood.

The production of thyroid hormones is regulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 
which is made by the pituitary gland.
The thyroid creates two thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). 
These regulate metabolism, and they also affect the following functions:

brain development
heart and nervous system functions
body temperature
muscle strength
skin dryness
menstrual cycles
cholesterol levels

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

தலையில் முடிகள் எப்படி வளர்கிறது?- How does hair grow -#hair #hairgrowth

How does hair grow?
There are 3 stages of hair growth in the cycle, from actively beginning growth from the root to hair shedding. These are known as the Anagen phase, Catagen phase and Telogen 

The Anagen phase is the period of growth. 
The cells in the hair bulb divide rapidly creating new hair growth. Hair actively grows from the roots 
for an average of 3-7 years before hair follicles becomes dormant.
The length of this phase is dependent on your maximum hair length,
 which varies between people due to genetics, age, health and many
 more factors.
The second phase of your hair growth cycle is Catagen. 
This period is short, lasting only 2-3 weeks on average. 
In this transitional phase, hair stops growing and detaches 
itself from the blood supply.
Finally, hair enters it’s third and final stage called the 
Telogen phase. This phase begins with a resting period, where 
club hairs rest in the root while new hair begins to grow beneath 
it. This phase lasts for around 4 months.

After this time, the resting club hairs will fall out to 
allow the new hair to come through the hair follicle. This 
is nothing to be alarmed about and is a natural process that 
should go completely unnoticed. Each follicle is independent 
and goes through the growth cycle at different times so you don’t 
lose patches of hair all at once and only shed 50-100 hairs each 

Friday, 16 October 2020

மாரடைப்பின் அறிகுறிகள் உணர்ந்தால் என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்?How to stop a heart attack

How to stop a heart attack - prevention, when alone

Acting quickly when you suspect a heart attack is coming on 

can greatly improve your chances for survival.

Most of the time, heart attacks start slowly with just mild 

discomfort and pain, giving warning signs before they strike. 

If you experience any of the following symptoms, 

, call the doctor immediately.

These could be signs of a heart attack:

*Discomfort in the chest, especially the center, that 

lasts more than a few minutes or comes and goes. 

The discomfort may feel like heaviness, fullness, 

squeezing, or pain.

*Discomfort in the upper body parts such as the arms, 

back, neck, jaw, or stomach. This may feel like 

pain or general discomfort.

*Shortness of breath. This may come with or without 

chest discomfort.

*Unusual sensations such as a cold sweat, nausea, 

vomiting, lightheadedness, or dizziness. 

*Take aspirin

When you’re still conscious, take a normal dose of 

aspirin (325 milligrams) if you have one on hand. 

Aspirin works by slowing the blood’s ability to clot. 

During a heart attack, aspirin slows blood clotting 

and minimizes the size of the blood clots that might have formed.

*Cough CPR

One type of treatment found online is called cough CPR. 

Some online sources claim that breathing deeply, 

and then coughing deeply, can raise your 

blood pressure for a second or two. 

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

தழும்புகள் அல்லது வடுக்கள் எப்படி உருவாகிறது? How do Scar forms #health ...

How do scars form

A scar is the end result of human wound healing. A wound can be created by any injury.

Scars form when the dermis is damaged. The body forms new collagen fibers

 to mend the damage, resulting in a scar. The new scar tissue will have a different texture and quality than the surrounding tissue. Scars form after a wound is completely healed.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

எக்ஸ் - ரே அடிக்கடி எடுத்தால் ஆபத்தா? Is frequent xrays dangerous?

 X ray 

An X-ray is a quick and painless procedure commonly 

used to produce images of the inside of the body.

It's a very effective way of looking at the bones and 

can be used to help detect a range of conditions.

x-ray introduces free radicles to our body, and that damages 

our cell. Our cells either grow up or go with improper repairment.

This improper repairment of the cell leads them to establish 

a different structure,which is not suitable for health.

In the case of standard procedures, there is no or 

negligible chance of risk. It will not matter to you if you 

are going through ten x-rays in a year or two x-rays in a year. 

You have to understand that the frequency of the radiation 

doesn’t matter. What matters is the intensity of the radiation. 

But, whenever you are going for an x-ray, 

do not forget to inform the doctor about your past x-rays.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

அதிக நெஞ்செரிச்சல் ஏன் ஏற்படுகிறது? Heartburn

GERD or Heartburn or Acid reflex - Easy and Quik Reference 

Heartburn is a burning pain in your chest, just behind your breastbone. 


Heartburn occurs when stomach acid backs up into the tube 

that carries food from your mouth to your stomach (esophagus).

Normally when you swallow, a band of muscle around the bottom 

of your esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter) relaxes to allow 

food and liquid to flow down into your stomach. 

Then the muscle tightens again.

If the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes abnormally or weakens, 

stomach acid can flow back up into your esophagus (acid reflux)

 and cause heartburn. The acid backup may be worse when you're 

bent over or lying down.

Risk factors

Certain foods and drinks can trigger heartburn in some people, 


*Spicy foods


*Citrus products

*Tomato products, such as ketchup

*Fatty or fried foods



*Alcohol, carbonated beverages, coffee or other caffeinated beverages

*Large or fatty meals

*Being overweight or pregnant 

also can increase your risk of experiencing heartburn.

Friday, 25 September 2020

ரேபீஸ் - வெறிநாய் கடி நோய் -Rabies - Causes,Symptoms and Treatment

Rabies - Causes,Symptoms,Treatment and How to prevent Rabies

Rabies virus is transmitted through direct contact (such as through broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, or mouth) with saliva or brain/nervous system tissue from

an infected animal.

If you’ve been in contact with any wildlife or unfamiliar animals, particularly if you’ve been bitten or scratched. Wash any wounds immediately with soap and water and then plan

to see a healthcare provider. See your doctor for attention for any trauma due to an animal attack before considering the need for rabies vaccination.


Rabies progresses in five distinct stages:



*acute neurologic period




A series of rabies vaccines:

These will be injected into the arm over the next 2 to 4 weeks.

These will train the body to fight the virus whenever it finds it.

It is not usually possible to find out whether the animal has

rabies or not. It is safest to assume the worst and begin the

course of shots.A small number of people have survived rabies,

but most cases are fatal once the symptoms develop. There is no

effective treatment at this stage.A person with symptoms should

be made as comfortable as possible. They may need breathing


Wednesday, 16 September 2020

வென்டிலேட்டர்- உயிர் காக்கும் கருவி- How ventilator works in Tamil

How ventilator works? - Quick and Easy reference

Mechanical ventilation is a form of life support. A mechanical ventilator is a machine that takes over the work of breathing when a person is not able to breathe enough on their own. The

mechanical ventilator is also called a ventilator, respirator, or breathing machine. There are many reasons why a patient may need a ventilator, but low oxygen levels or severe shortness

of breath from an infection such as pneumonia are the most common reasons.

How does a ventilator work?

When a person needs to be on a ventilator, a healthcare provider will insert an endotracheal tube (ET tube) through the patient’s nose or mouth and into their windpipe (trachea). This tube is then connected to the ventilator. The endotracheal tube and ventilator do a variety of jobs.

The ventilator pushes a mixture of air and oxygen into the patient’s lungs to get oxygen into the body. 

Friday, 28 August 2020

Spirometry Test-ஆஸ்துமா பரிசோதனைகள்- நுரையீரல் பரிசோதனை

Asthma - Spirometry test - lung test 

Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways to the lungs. 

It makes breathing difficult and can make some physical activities 

challenging or even impossible.

Asthma - Spirometry test

A spirometry test requires you to breathe into a tube attached to a machine called a spirometer.

A clip will be placed on your nose to keep your nostrils closed.

You will take a deep breath and breathe out as hard as you can for several seconds into the tube. 

It's important that your lips create a seal around the tube, so that no air leaks out.

You'll need to do the test at least three times to make sure your results are relatively consistent.

Friday, 21 August 2020

ஆஸ்துமா- காரணங்கள், மூச்சு விடுவதில் ஏன் சிரமம் ஏற்படுகிறது?

Asthma - Reasons and Symptoms 

Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways to the lungs. 

It makes breathing difficult and can make some physical activities 

challenging or even impossible.

To understand asthma, it’s necessary to understand a 

little about what happens when you breathe.

Normally, with every breath you take, air goes through 

your nose or mouth and down into your throat and into your airways, 

eventually making it to your lungs.

There are lots of small air passages in your lungs that help 

deliver oxygen from the air into your bloodstream.

Asthma symptoms occur when the lining of your airways 

swell and the muscles around them tighten. Mucus then fills 

the airways, further reducing the amount of air that can pass through.

These conditions can then bring on an asthma “attack,” 

the coughing and tightness in your chest that’s typical of asthma.


The most common symptom of asthma is wheezing, 

a squealing or whistling sound made when you breathe.

Other asthma symptoms may include:

coughing, especially at night, when laughing, or during exercise

tightness in the chest

shortness of breath


No single cause has been identified for asthma. 

Instead, researchers believe that the breathing condition 

is caused by a variety of factors. 

These factors include:


If a parent or sibling has asthma, 

you’re more likely to develop it.

Allergens trigger this common type of asthma. These might include:

pet dander from animals like cats and dogs





burning wood

cigarette smoke

cold air

air pollution

Friday, 7 August 2020

குடும்பக் கட்டுப்பாடு சிகிச்சை எப்படி செய்யப்படுகிறது?

Tubal sterilization:How to Tubal Ligation/How to family planning

Tubal sterilization (tubal ligation) is a surgical method of birth control. 

It is commonly referred to as “getting your tubes tied.” 

The surgery prevents a woman from getting pregnant by closing off her fallopian tubes. 

These tubes carry an egg from the ovary to the uterus each month. 

Sperm swim up the fallopian tubes to join with the egg, resulting in pregnancy. 

When the tubes are closed, the egg and sperm cannot reach each other.

Tubal sterilization is a permanent form of birth control. 

It is one of the most effective options for preventing pregnancy.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

சிறுநீரக தானம் -சட்ட விதிகள்,பரிசோதனைகள் - Kidney donation Process

Kidney donation

The ideal kidney donor is required to:

--Be a person over age 18

--Be willing to commit to the living kidney donor evaluation process and surgery

--Be a family member, friend or acquaintance

--Be in good health

--Be of a compatible blood type

--Have normal kidney function

--The Transplantation of Human Organs Act makes it illegal to buy or sell human organs.

--Violators are subject to fines and imprisonment.

Friday, 24 July 2020

சிறுநீரக மாற்று அறுவை சிகிச்சை - Kidney Transplant Procedure

Kidney Transplant 

Kidneys for transplantation come from two different sources: a living donor or a deceased donor.


The transplant surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The operation usually takes 2-4 hours. This type of operation is a heterotopic transplant meaning the kidney is placed in a different location than the existing kidneys. Liver and heart transplants are orthotopic transplants, in which the diseased organ is removed and the transplanted organ is placed in the same location. 

The kidney transplant is placed in the front part of the lower abdomen, in the pelvis.The original kidneys are not usually removed unless they are causing severe problems such as uncontrollable high blood pressure, frequent kidney infections, or are greatly enlarged. The artery that carries blood to the kidney and the vein that carries blood away is surgically connected to the artery and vein already existing in the pelvis of the recipient. The ureter, or tube, that carries urine from the kidney is connected to the bladder.

Friday, 17 July 2020

ரத்த கொழுப்பு (Blood Cholesterol) -LDL-DL-Triglicerides - Lipid Profile test

Blood Cholesterol - LDL- HDL - Triglicerides - Lipid Profile(Easy and Quick reference)

Your body needs fat to function Properly. It makes up almost all of the fat you need in your liver.

The cells in your body need fat as part of their cell membrane.Your skin uses sunlight and fat to make vitamin D.In humans, certain glands, such as sperm and adrenal glands, use fat to make important chemicals called hormones.Your liver uses fat to make bile acids, which help digest the fat in the food you eat. Your body uses triglycerides for energy.Not by your lipids from your liver Go into your bloodstream without some adjustment. Your liver wraps some proteins around lipids to activate their movement. The result is lipoprotein The so-called new molecule moves to the cells needed in your bloodstream and throughout your body.


Your liver produces high density protein or HDL also known as good cholesterol .

HDL is high It also contains protein and very little fat and triglycerides compared to LDL. HDL in your cells and in your blood vessels Helps to remove excess fat from plaque. This is why HDL is called good cholesterol. HDL Excess Fat YourGives it to the liver, removes it from your body.


your liver produces low-density lipoproteins or vldls.

It is caused by bad cholesterol or LDL. These lipoproteins are replenished with fat and triglycerides. VLDL Triglycerides in your bloodstreamProvides for your cells They use it for energy. Your liver has more VLDL than youPhysical Energy Requirements VLDL stores extra triglycerides as body fat.

Is lipoprotein or LDL. LDL travels in your bloodstreamSupplying fat to the required cells. If your body makes too much LDL it can build up in your blood. LDL in the walls of your blood vessels

Can be deposited. Over time this build up will narrow the blood vessel and reduce blood flow.

Friday, 10 July 2020

பல்ஸ் ஆக்ஸிமீட்டர் - தெரிந்து கொள்வோம் - Pulse Oximeter - How it works?

Pulse Oximeter - how pulse oximeter works?

Typically, more than 89 percent of your blood should be carrying oxygen. 

This is the oxygen saturation level needed to keep your cells — and your body — healthy. 

An oxygen saturation level of 95 percent is considered normal for most healthy individuals. 

Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive and painless test that measures your oxygen saturation level, 

or the oxygen levels in your blood.

A small clamp-like device is placed on a finger, earlobe, or toe. 

Small beams of light pass through the blood in the finger, measuring the amount of oxygen. 

It does this by measuring changes of light absorption in oxygenated or deoxygenated blood. 

This is a painless process.The pulse oximeter will thus be able to tell you your 

oxygen saturation levels along with your heart rate.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

பெரிடோனியல் டயாலிசிஸ் சிகிச்சை முறை - Peritoneal Dialysis



Dialysis is a way of cleaning your blood when your kidneys can no longer do the job. 

It gets rid of your body's wastes,extra salt and water, and helps to control your blood pressure.

Peritoneal Dialysis


During peritoneal dialysis, a cleansing fluid flows through a tube (catheter) into part of your abdomen. 

The lining of your abdomen (peritoneum) acts as a filter and removes waste products from your blood. 

After a set period of time, the fluid with the filtered waste products flows out of your abdomen and is discarded.

These treatments can be done at home, at work or while traveling.But peritoneal dialysis isn't an 

option for everyone with kidney failure. 

About dialysate


Dialysate, also called dialysis fluid, dialysis solution or bath, is a solution of pure water, 

electrolytes and salts, such as bicarbonate and sodium. The purpose of dialysate is to pull toxins 

from the blood into the dialysate.

Friday, 26 June 2020

ECG (Electro Cardio Gram) மற்றும் ஹோல்டர் மானிட்டர் ஈ.சி.ஜி Holter Monitor ECG

ECG and Holter Monitor ECG

ECG, also referred to as EKG, is the abbreviation of the word electrocardiogram – a heart test that tracks the electrical activity of your heart and records it on a moving paper or shows it as a moving line on a screen. An ECG scan is used to analyze the heart’s rhythm and detect irregularities and other cardiac issues that might lead to serious health problems such as a stroke or heart attack.

To get an ECG trace, an ECG monitor is needed to record it.

As the electrical signals move through the heart, the ECG monitor records the strength

and the timing of these signals in a graph called a P wave.

Traditional monitors use patches and wires to attach electrodes to the body and communicate

the ECG trace to a receiver.

The length of an ECG test varies depending on the type of the test being performed.

Sometimes it can take a few seconds or minutes. For longer, more continuous monitoring

there are devices that can record your ECG for several days or even a week or two.

Holter monitor

The electrical activity of the heart is typically recorded over a period of 24 hours.

Three or four electrodes are attached to your chest, and a small recording device is worn on a belt or

hung around your neck. The ECG data are then transferred to a computer

later on at the doctor's office for analysis. To do this, the doctor also needs information about your

daily schedule (like unusual events, physical activity and sleep). A Holter monitor may be used if,

for instance, you only have an irregular heartbeat some of the time and it doesn't show up in a “normal” ECG.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

MRI ஸ்கேன் பரிசோதனை தெரிந்து கொள்வோம் - MRI Scan Procedure

MRI Scan - Uses and Procedure

MRI scan uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to generate images of parts of 

the body that can't be seen as well with X-rays, CT scans or ultrasound.

The human body is mostly water. Water molecules (H2O) contain hydrogen nuclei (protons), 

which become aligned in a magnetic field. An MRI scanner applies a very strong magnetic field 

(about 0.2 to 3 teslas, or roughly a thousand times the strength of a typical fridge magnet), 

which aligns the proton "spins."

The scanner also produces a radio frequency current that creates a varying magnetic field. 

The protons absorb the energy from the magnetic field and flip their spins. When the field is turned off, the protons gradually return to their normal spin, a process called precession. 

The return process produces a radio signal that can be measured by receivers 

in the scanner and made into an image.Protons in different body tissues return to their normal spins at different rates, so the scanner can distinguish among various types of tissue. The scanner settings 

can be adjusted to produce contrasts between different body tissues. Additional magnetic fields 

are used to produce 3-dimensional images that may be viewed from different angles. 

Friday, 12 June 2020

CT ஸ்கேன் பரிசோதனை தெரிந்து கொள்வோம் - CT or CAT Scan

CT Scan or CAT Scan

A CT scan or a computed tomography scan is a large machine with the ability 

to take x-rays which is aimed at a patient then quickly rotated fully around 

the body of the patient which produces a tomographic image or slices of within the body. 

These images are taken through the whole body which then uses 

these photos to create a slice image. These CT scans are more beneficial 

as they can be used through the whole body and can locate structures and abnormalities. 

Where the X-rays are emitted in the cylinder is called the emitter and 

180° to the emitter is the receiver in which the x-ray image is imprinted on. 

The patient is laid out on a bed which moves through the cylindrical the scanner 

then circles the patient then the x-rays are received at many 

different points as the emitter and receiver are rotated around the patient. 

Each time the bed moves the patient the scanner circles them again. 

The x-rays are analysed by a computer and then the computer constructs an image in slices of the patient.  

Friday, 5 June 2020

ரூட் கனால் சிகிச்சை --- Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. 

During a root canal procedure, 

the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. 

Treatment Procedure:

The first step in the procedure is to take an X-ray to see the shape of 

the root canals and determine if there are any signs of infection in a surrounding bone. 

An access hole will then be drilled into the tooth. The pulp along with bacteria, 

the decayed nerve tissue and related debris is removed from the tooth. 

Water or sodium hypochlorite is used periodically to flush away the debris.

Once the tooth is thoroughly cleaned, it is sealed.

to fill the interior of the tooth, a sealer paste 

and a rubber compound called gutta percha is placed into the tooth's root canal. 

then,cap is placed on the tooth, to protect it and prevent it from breaking.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

HbA1C - நீரிழிவு நோயை கண்டறிய HbA1C பரிசோதனை ஏன் செய்யப்படுகிறது?

HBA1C - Definition - Easy and Quick Reference

The term HbA1c refers to glycated haemoglobin. It develops when haemoglobi, 

a protein within red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout your body, 

joins with glucose in the blood, becoming ‘glycated’.By measuring glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), 

clinicians are able to get an overall picture of what our average blood sugar levels 

have been over a period of weeks/months.

For people with diabetes this is important as the higher the HbA1c, 

the greater the risk of developing diabetes-related complications.

HbA1c is also referred to as haemoglobin A1c or simply A1c.

Normal Levels of Hemoglobin A1c 

In healthy people, the HbA1c level is less than 6% of total hemoglobin. 

A level of 6.5% signals that diabetes is present. 

Studies have demonstrated that the complications of diabetes can be delayed or 

prevented if the HbA1c level can be kept below 7%. It is recommended that treatment of diabetes be 

directed at keeping an individual's HbA1c level as close to normal as possible (<6%) without episodes of 

hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels).

HbA1c Levels

Normal Below 5.7 %

Prediabetes 5.7% to 6.4%

Diabetes 6.5% or greater

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

முடக்கு வாதம் -காரணங்கள்,அறிகுறிகள்,சிகிச்சைகள் Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Easy and Quick Reference

RA is an autoimmune disease. Your immune system is supposed to attack foreigners in your body, like bacteria and viruses, by creating inflammation. In an autoimmune disease, 

the immune system mistakenly sends inflammation to your own healthy tissue. 

The immune system creates a lot of inflammation that is sent to your joints causing joint pain and swelling. If the inflammation remains present for a long period of time, 

it can cause damage to the joint. This damage typically cannot be reversed once it occurs. 

signs and symptoms that can occur in RA include:

Loss of energy

Low fevers

Loss of appetite

Dry eyes and mouth from a related health problem, Sjogren's syndrome

Firm lumps, called rheumatoid nodules, which grow beneath the skin in places such as the elbow and hands

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Diagnosis

RA is diagnosed by examining blood test results, examining the joints and organs, and reviewing x-ray or ultrasound images.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Treatment

There is no cure for RA. The goal of treatment is to improve your joint pain and swelling 

and to improve your ability to perform day-to-day activities. 

Starting medication as soon as possible helps prevent your joints from having lasting 

or possibly permanent damage. No single treatment works for all patients.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

நமக்கு காயம் ஏற்பட்டவுடன் ஏன் டிடி தடுப்பூசி (TT Vaccine) போடப்படுகிறது? Tetanus

Tetanus and TT vaccine

Bacteria called Clostridium tetani cause tetanus. Spores of the bacteria can be found in dust, 

dirt, and animal droppings. Spores are small reproductive bodies produced by certain organisms. 

They’re often resistant to harsh environmental conditions, such as high heat.

A person can become infected when these spores enter the bloodstream through a cut or deep wound. 

The bacteria spores then spread to the central nervous system 

and produce a toxin called tetanospasmin. This toxin is a poison that blocks the 

nerve signals from your spinal cord to your muscles. This can lead to severe muscle spasms.

Tetanus is not contagious from person to person. The infection occurs worldwide, 

but is more common in hot, damp climates with rich soil. It’s also more common in densely populated areas.


Tetanus affects the nerves that control your muscles, which can lead to difficulty swallowing. 

You may also experience spasms and stiffness in various muscles, especially those in your jaw, 

abdomen, chest, back, and neck.

Prevention and TT Vaccine

This vaccine is given to provide protection against tetanus in adults and 

children 7 years or older. Vaccination is the best way to protect against this 

life-threatening disease. Vaccines work by causing the body to produce its own protection.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Hepatitis B - மஞ்சள் காமாலை நோய்- காரணங்கள்,அறிகுறிகள் ,சிகிச்சைகள்/Jaundice

Hepatitis B - Quick and Easy Reference

Hepatitis B(HBV) can cause infection and inflammation of the liver. 

A person can have HBV and transmit the virus to others without knowing that they have it.

Some people experience no symptoms. Some only have the initial infection, which then resolves. 

For others, the condition becomes chronic. In chronic cases, 

the virus continues to attack the liver over time without detection, resulting in irreversible liver damage.

HBV is transmissible when blood, semen, or another bodily fluid from a person with the virus enters the body of an individual who does not have it.

More specifically, infection can occur:

when a woman with HBV gives birth

during sexual activity

as a result of sharing needles, syringes, or other drug injection devices

as a result of practicing unsafe tattoo techniques

by sharing personal hygiene items, such as razors 

Early symptoms

If HBV does cause symptoms early on, they may include:


joint pain



loss of appetite

abdominal pain

dark urine

clay colored stools

jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes


There is currently no cure for HBV, but receiving the vaccine can prevent initial infection.

Friday, 7 February 2020

மஞ்சள் காமாலை நோய் - Hepatitis A - Jaundice

Hepatitis A -Easy and Quick Reference

Hepatitis A, also called hep A, is a contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. 

Some people have only a mild illness that lasts a few weeks. Others have more severe problems that can last months. 

You usually get the disease when you eat or drink something contaminated by poop from a person who has the virus.

The hepatitis A virus usually isn’t dangerous. 

Almost everyone who has it gets better. But because it can take a while to go away, 

you’ll need to take care of yourself in the meantime.

Hepatitis A Symptoms

If you have this infection, the virus is causing inflammation in your liver. 

Some people, especially many children, don’t have symptoms. Others might have:

Jaundice (yellow eyes and skin)

Belly pain

Dark urine

Loss of appetite


Pale-colored poop

Joint pain




There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A. 

Recovery from symptoms following infection may be slow and may take several weeks or months. 


*Improved sanitation, food safety and immunization are the most effective ways to combat hepatitis A.

*The hepatitis A vaccine can prevent infection with the virus.

*Thoroughly wash your hands often, especially after using the toilet or 

changing a diaper and before preparing food or eating. 

Friday, 31 January 2020

corona virus and Thermal Screening

Coronavirus and Thermal Screeing 

A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. 

A coronavirus can infect both animals and humans.

Most coronaviruses spread the same way other cold-causing viruses do: 

through infected people coughing and sneezing, 

by touching an infected person's hands or face, 

or by touching things such as doorknobs that infected people have touched.

Common Symptoms of Coronavirus

The symptoms of most coronaviruses are similar to any other upper respiratory infection,including 

runny nose, 


sore throat 

and fever.

Thermal Cameras

All live objects emit infrared energy or heat. Unlike regular cameras that record 

light reflected by objects, thermal cameras use heat sensors that can record heat 

generated by the body of a person or an object to create a 2D image with differing temperature levels. 

When a person stands before the cameras, on the computer screens the hotter objects are 

highlighted with a different colour palette than the rest.These cameras can be calibrated 

to detect abnormal body temperatures such as over 101 degrees.

Thermal cameras are effective only to the point of telling 

who has a higher body temperature or is running a high fever. 

It may not mean the person is infected with coronavirus. 

Additional screening systems are needed for that. 

Friday, 24 January 2020

லேப்பராஸ்கோப்பி அறுவை சிகிச்சை எப்படி செய்யப்படுகிறது? Laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopy and Laparoscopic surgery 

Laparoscopy is a type of surgical procedure that allows a surgeon to access the 

inside of the abdomen (tummy) and pelvis without having to make large incisions in the skin.

This procedure is also known as keyhole surgery or minimally invasive surgery.

Large incisions can be avoided during laparoscopy because the surgeon uses an instrument called a laparoscope.This is a small tube that has a light source and a camera, 

which relays images of the inside of the abdomen or pelvis to a television monitor.


During laparoscopy, the surgeon makes a small cut (incision) of around 1 to 1.5cm (0.4 to 0.6 inches), usually near your belly button.A tube is inserted through the incision, and carbon dioxide gas is pumped through the tube to inflate your tummy (abdomen). Inflating your abdomen allows the surgeon to see your organs more clearly and gives them more room to work. A laparoscope is then inserted through this tube. The laparoscope relays images to a television monitor in the operating theatre, giving the surgeon a clear view of the whole area.If the laparoscopy is used to carry out a surgical treatment, such as removing your appendix, further incisions will be made in your abdomen. Small, surgical instruments can be inserted through these incisions, and the surgeon can guide them 

to the right place using the view from the laparoscope. Once in place, the instruments can be 

used to carry out the required treatment.After the procedure, the carbon dioxide is 

let out of your abdomen, the incisions are closed using stitches or clips and a dressing is applied.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

உயிர் காக்கும் கருவி- AED - தெரிந்து கொள்வோம்---எப்படி இதயத்திற்கு ஷாக் கொடுக்கப்படுகிறது?

Automated External Defibrillator - Quick and Easy reference

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a

lightweight, portable device that delivers an

electric shock through the chest to the heart. 

Sudden Cardiac Arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and

stops beating unexpectedly. If not treated within

minutes, it quickly leads to death.

Most SCAs result from ventricular fibrillation (VF). 

How does an AED work?

A built-in computer checks a victim’s heart rhythm

through adhesive electrodes. The computer calculates

whether defibrillation is needed. If it is, a recorded

voice prompts the rescuer to press the shock button

on the AED. This shock momentarily stuns the heart

and stops all activity. It gives the heart the chance to

resume beating effectively. Audible prompts guide the

user through the process. AEDs advise a shock only

for ventricular fibrillation or another life-threatening

condition called pulseless ventricular tachycardia.

Non-medical personnel such as police, fire service

personnel, flight attendants, security guards and other lay

rescuers who have been trained in CPR can use AEDs.

Although formal training in the use of an AED is not

required, it is recommended to help the rescuer increase

their comfort and level of confidence. However, AEDs

are intended for use by the general public. Most AEDs

use audible voice prompts to guide the user through the


முறிந்த எலும்புகள் எப்படி தன்னைத்தானே சரிபடுத்திக் கொள்கிறது? How does a bone heal?

How does a bone heal? The immediate response to a fracture is bleeding from the blood vessels dotted throughout our bones.New bone starts to...