விரிவாக தெரிந்து கொள்ள வீடியோ வை கிளிக் செய்யவும்

Friday 10 November 2017


hii friends.. here is my another new you tube video..Cucumber--- medicinal and Nutritional values.

           Cucumber is a fruit from the Cucurbitaceae family. Scientifically known as Cucumis sativus, it belongs to the same family as zucchini, watermelon,pumpkin, and other types of summer squash.The plant where cucumber grows is a creeping vine that develops these cylindrical, edible fruits throughout the year.
          Cucumbers originated in India almost 10,000 years ago, but are now cultivated in many countries. Different varieties of cucumbers are being traded in the international market and
you will find them in abundance all year long. Cucumbers help to normalize body temperature during summer.

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